Name | Date of death | Partner name | Lot # | Cemetary |
Aimée Bougie | May 17, 1986 | Omer Desforges | SJM-SPEC-17 | St-Jean Marie Vianney |
René Biron | May 17, 1986 | Thérèse Grenier | SP-R-27 | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
Jean Deschamps | May 16, 1986 | Lucile Pilon | ND-C01-124 | Notre-Dame |
Louis-Philippe Pelletier | May 16, 1986 | - | ND-B-1-498 | Notre-Dame |
Sydney Ellis | May 16, 1986 | Georgette Bourgie | SJM-A-126 | St-Jean Marie Vianney |
Horace Bertrand | May 15, 1986 | Georgette Roy | ND-H-2103 | Notre-Dame |
Nora Barrette | May 15, 1986 | Jean-Baptiste Gionet | ND-F-1684 | Notre-Dame |
Louise Bigras | May 15, 1986 | Arthur Toutant | SF-F-903 | St-François de Sales |
Pierre Marcel Racicot | May 15, 1986 | Irma Nicastro | SF-A-53 | St-François de Sales |
Arsène Ménard | May 14, 1986 | Roméa Thomas | ND-C01-30 | Notre-Dame |
Laurent Vaillant | May 14, 1986 | Yvonne Trudel | ND-F-1530 | Notre-Dame |
Joseph Sheskay | May 13, 1986 | Doris Kostychen | ND-H-1945 (G) | Notre-Dame |
Agnès CHARBONNEAU | May 12, 1986 | ALDORIA (DCD) ROY | ND-U-48 | Notre-Dame |
Simone Thibault | May 11, 1986 | Roger Robertson | SP-V-288 | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
Marie Harkin | May 10, 1986 | Royal Monfils | SP-G-29 | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
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