Name | Date of death | Partner name | Lot # | Cemetary |
Vincent Thomas Kealey | July 22, 1978 | Mildred Fortune | SP-J-14 (B) | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
Simone Piché | July 22, 1978 | - | ND-G-1751 | Notre-Dame |
Armand Lavoie | July 21, 1978 | - | FAS-G2-2 | St-Fidèle de Fassett |
Armand Sabourin | July 21, 1978 | Claudette Chaussé | ND-K-181 (B) | Notre-Dame |
Maria Alice Andrade | July 20, 1978 | Elias Joaquim | ND-K-180 (A) | Notre-Dame |
Doricna St-Germain | July 20, 1978 | Jean-Jacques Gibeault | SP-Q-34 | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
John Hadbabne | July 19, 1978 | Ann Jevcak | SJM-C-25 | St-Jean Marie Vianney |
Rolande Vaive | July 19, 1978 | Roméo Lamoureux | SF-B-386 | St-François de Sales |
LEO PARADIS | July 19, 1978 | GLORINA (DCD) BEAUCHAMP | ND-O-87 | Notre-Dame |
ONESIME Lévesque | July 19, 1978 | THERESE SAMSON | ND-J-3446 | Notre-Dame |
HECTOR ALLAN | July 18, 1978 | - | NDN-B-144 | Notre-Dame des Neiges (Masson) |
Mario D'Aoust | July 18, 1978 | - | ND-F-C-0 | Notre-Dame |
Hermance Guévremont | July 17, 1978 | - | ND-C-507 | Notre-Dame |
Armandine Guay | July 17, 1978 | Wilfrid Charette | SJM-C-110 | St-Jean Marie Vianney |
Rémi Hupé | July 17, 1978 | Claudette Coderre | ND-P-70 | Notre-Dame |
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