Name | Date of death | Partner name | Lot # | Cemetary |
Armand Gagné | May 25, 1965 | Maria Ray | SAP-C-40 | St-Antoine-de-Padoue |
Azilda Nantel | May 22, 1965 | Thomas Paquin | SP-M-29 | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
William Gibeault | May 19, 1965 | Ernestine Glandon | SP-A-8 | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
William Dagenais | May 12, 1965 | Laura Limoges | ND-I-2999 | Notre-Dame |
Albert Labelle | May 10, 1965 | Louise Gravelle | ND-H-1950 | Notre-Dame |
Lionel Tessier | May 10, 1965 | Démérise Desjardins | ND-J-3316 | Notre-Dame |
Marie Massiah | May 8, 1965 | Caleb Legros | ND-J-3183 | Notre-Dame |
Rose-Anna Massicotte | May 8, 1965 | - | ND-Fosse non ident-1 | Notre-Dame |
Jean bébé Renaud | May 7, 1965 | - | SR-VIIIE-535 (B) | St-Rédempteur |
Raoul Garneau | May 7, 1965 | Anna Lagacé | ND-F-1369 | Notre-Dame |
Laurencia Fauteux | May 7, 1965 | Lorenzo Laberge | ND-Fosse non ident-1 | Notre-Dame |
Georges Harkins | May 5, 1965 | - | SA-A-9 | St-Alexandre |
Arthémise Champagne | May 5, 1965 | Zéphir Cayer | ND-H-2037 | Notre-Dame |
Alexina Paquette | May 4, 1965 | Achille Renaud | SP-O-104 | St-Paul (Aylmer) |
Conrad Caron | May 4, 1965 | Lucienne Martel | ND-J-3544 | Notre-Dame |
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